Why are we obsessed with food?

Why are we all just so obsessed with food and what we eat? Why can’t we have ice cream in the freezer without downing the entire tub at 11pm? Why do we think about food even when we just ate?

Well, we are obsessed with food but not for the reason you think. Our obsession comes from the constant restricting of food in the pursuit of thinness and the perception it will make us healthy - this is what really makes us feel crazy around food. 

Our bodies simply cannot thrive when food is restricted.

Diet culture makes us believe that we can’t be trusted around food without external intervention in the form of food lists, points, syns and meal plans.

How could we possibly navigate the complex art of feeding ourselves when we are hungry without external rules?? Surely we would just eat cake all day and never eat another vegetable for the rest our lives! 

This clever messaging keeps stuck in a cycle of food obsession and food morality. We see foods as ‘good’ or ‘bad’.

We fear foods and we are brainwashed into thinking ‘junk food’ will give us cancer or that slice of cake will make us unhealthy. We give so much power over to food and actually it doesn’t have the power to do any of those things. 

But as long as diet culture keeps up with this fear mongering and these messages of being good or bad, we will keep coming back year after year spending our money in the pursuit of that dream body and the idea of health and life longevity. 

It’s bullshit! 

Food is not the obsession. Dieting is the obsession.

Imagine restricting your water intake - eventually you are going to want more and you will start thinking about water ALL the time, seeking it out from any source - it’s EXACTLY the same with food. 

Our bodies have no idea that we are intentionally cutting calories, when we don’t allow ourselves to have something we simply cause our brain to think about it all the time! 

The only way we can stop this cycle is to allow all foods, stop the restriction and give ourselves permission to eat without rules. 

I know you are probably thinking “but I’ll just crave cake all day” 

In reality this isn’t the case, yes of course in the beginning you are likely to indulge in all the foods you’ve been restricted from all this time but in truth your body will naturally want a wide range of foods. When you truly have freedom around food and allow yourself to tune in and listen to your body, you will start to notice how foods make you feel. You’ll have the ability to naturally know when you feel full or when you are hungry for more.

The more you practice and honour this, the better your body will feel. Food will just become something you truly enjoy not something you can’t stop thinking about all day. 

If you want to find true food freedom and get started with 1:1 coaching then click in the get started button and we can chat or subscribe to my newsletter to get new blog info and other free stuff straight to your inbox!


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